ACTION ALERT: Make deadly force the LAST resort

Washington state regulates countless professions more closely than law enforcement, fam. DESPITE the fact that police officers can and have taken Black Lives. No. More.

HB 1310 is a lifesaving law that would make deadly force the LAST resort for cops in Washington state. We must demand that those who say they protect Black Lives, but use excessive and deadly force, are held accountable.

Tell lawmakers AGAIN: Vote YES on HB 1310 and pass it through the Committee on Law & Justice.

About the Bill

HB 1310 would require that officers must de-escalate, first, and says deadly force should only be used when there is an imminent threat of bodily harm. This bill clarifies and strengthens changes made by I-940 to the justifiable homicide defense for police officers. Deadly force is justifiable only if necessary to protect the officer or another person from an imminent threat of serious physical harm and is used only as a last resort after other options have been exhausted.

Take Action Now

Send a message to the Senate Committee on Law & Justice to vote YES on HB 1310.

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Senators Pedersen, Dhingra, Padden, McCune, Darneille, Holy, Kuderer, Salomon, and Wagoner,

I stand with the Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance.

Washington state regulates countless professions more closely than law enforcement, despite the fact that police officers can and have taken Black lives.

HB 1310 is a lifesaving policy. We urge you to vote to advance it through the Senate Committee on Law & Justice now.

In solidarity with Black Lives across Washington,

[your name]


ACTION ALERT: Keep Black and Brown folks in their homes


ACTION ALERT: Mandate statewide independent police investigations