2021 Legislative Session

Reparations for Black Lives

Together, we sent more than a half billion dollar package of life saving law, policy, and direct investment to the Governor’s desk. 

Because Washington state is ready. Ready to do more than just acknowledge anti-Black racism as a crisis in the Evergreen state. Ready to change laws to end that crisis. Ready to invest in a future where all Black people and all Washingtonians thrive. Ready for Reparations. NOW.

Priority Bills

Access to Health

SB 5151 - Keep Black kids with their families
HB 1227 - Protect kids. Support families.
HB 1342 - Feed ALL Washington students
SB 5068 - Support MOMS and families
SB 5293 - SUPPORT, don’t criminalize mental health
SB 5141 - Environmental justice NOW
HB 1194 - Strengthen parent-child visitation
HB 1225 - Create school-based health centers
SB 5399 - Universal health care commission NOW
SB 5313 - END health insurance discrimination
SB 5377 - Affordable care for ALL

Honor the Treaties

HB 1372 - Honor Billy Frank Jr.
SB 5126 - Cap and Trade NOW

Build Power & Representation

SB 5405 - Racial equity analyses on ALL legislation

Fully Fund Public Education

SB 5096 - Capital Gains Tax NOW
SB 5194 - Equity and access in community and technical college NOW
HB 1425 - Access to higher education NOW
HB 1044 - Make pathways to post-prison education
HB 1113 - Support student success

Create Economic Freedom

HB 1399 - Right to work post-incarceration
HB 1297 - Tax Credit for Working Families

Create and Protect Affordable Housing

SB 5160 - Emergency tenant protections

Black Equity in Criminal Justice

SB 5055 - Remove barriers to police accountability
HB 1090 - BAN private prisons
SB 5051 - Fire police for bad use of excessive force
HB 1088 - Transparency on police misconduct and complaints
HB 1140 - Juvenile right to counsel
HB 1054 - Ban violent police tactics
HB 1267 - Mandate statewide independent police investigations
HB 1310 - Make deadly force last resort for police
HB 1078 - Restore the right to vote
SB 5066 - Officer Duty to Intervene
SB 5259 - Collect data on COPS
SB 5135 - NO unlawful summoning of police
SB 5304 - Access to HEALTH CARE in and post-incarceration
HB 1295 - Education EQUITY in juvenile institutions

Learn more about the status of each bill and review the complete 2021 reparations package.

Our Message Was Delivered

Coverage of the Alliance appeared in news outlets with a combined online reach of 127 million unique monthly visitors, and outlets with broadcast audiences of 15.4 million.