ACTION ALERT: Stop killing us

We need you to take action to help ban excessive force police tactics, to ensure independent investigations, and to guarantee police are legally and criminally accountable.

Right now in Washington state:

  • Police hold the power to use their personal discretion and opinion to determine when excessive force is required.

  • When they use excessive or deadly force, there are no limits on how long that force can be applied to the human being they are endangering.

  • When police murder someone, there is no independent investigation.

  • Police are investigated by other police. Often, by police with records of discrimination, use of excessive force, or harmful actions other.

  • Families of those who are murdered by police can’t sue officers.

We are working right now to pass new laws that will protect and liberate Black Lives from police brutality. But make no mistake, it does not happen without you.

Take Action Now

1. Email Rep. Mosbrucker, a leader of the House Public Safety Committee, and tell her that HB 1310 is a life-saving policy that must be passed into law.

We cannot allow police the power to decide who lives or dies based on their opinion. This bill would make physical force a last resort and require officers to use the least amount of force possible.

Click to email Rep. Mosbrucker now >>

Link above not working for you? Email Here is a sample message you can use:

Dear Rep. Mosbrucker,

In Tacoma last year, police murdered Manuel Ellis. And the system that exists today allowed them to cover it up.

Last Saturday, in Tacoma, police drove over living, breathing, human beings. It is a miracle people did not die.

We cannot allow police the power to decide who lives or dies based on their opinion. Too many Black Lives have been lost and harmed in Washington state due to excessive force. That needs to end now.

HB 1310 is a life-saving policy that MUST be passed into law. I am calling on you to protect Black Lives by doing everything in your power to make this bill a law.

In solidarity with with Black Lives across Washington,

[Your Name]

2. Email Rep. Mosbrucker and tell her that you expect her to fully champion HB 1267.

We demand real accountability when an officer decides they have the power to maim or kill a human being. HB 1267 would mandate the creation of an independent agency whose sole job is to investigate officer-involved use of force.

Click to email Rep. Mosbrucker now >>

Link above not working for you? Email Here is a sample message you can use:

Dear Rep. Mosbrucker,

When police elect to use excessive force—like by driving their vehicle over human bodies—the case should be investigated by an independent body with the ability to deliver justice. Not by other police, with their own history of excessive force complaints.

We demand real accountability when an officer decides they have the power to maim or kill a human being. Police cannot police themselves. HB 1267 must become law.

Black Lives will continue to be lost and harmed until there is true accountability. Right now, you have the power to help make that happen. I expect to see you act fully champion HB 1267 and do everything you can to make sure it is passed into law.

In solidarity with with Black Lives across Washington,

[Your Name]

Thank you for taking action. You power the Washington Black Lives Matter Alliance, and your actions inspire us and keep the work going.


Sign on. Demand Governor Inslee declare racism a public health crisis in Washington state.